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Monday, November 11, 2013

Crunch Time for FTC

Our FRC team was pretty busy today with lots of little projects. A big one was helping the FTC team keep progressing. We also worked on the Business Plan and our 5 gallon bucket sticking issue.

We taped off a 12' by 12' area for our FTC team to practice on. Their competition is in a week and a half!!! Yikes!!

Their robot is coming together. Check out their progress at their blog.

Bryce worked on the 5 gallon bucket for our robot from last year. We keep having problems with frisbees getting stuck in there. He tried using a little bit smaller bucket. Unfortunately, it's a little bit too small and the Frisbees don't slide down it. But, it was a good idea!

One big item we've been helping the FTC team with is their mascot. Lacey can be seen painting the helmet above. Heidi, Tyler, Molly, and Mitch helped make the body. It's like a mini version of our mascot. It's so cute!

Brooklyn kept working on the Business Plan. She finished up the history section! Each season section gets longer and longer and longer, the older our team gets and the more we do.

Kacy worked on wrapping up our fundraising plan. It looks great! We'll start handing it out to businesses in December (too busy now).

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