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Aerial Assist 2014

Lake Superior Regional

The first regional the team attended this year was the Lake Superior Regional in Duluth, MN. This was the first year that the team has competed in two regionals, along with the first time going to this regional. We were ranked 1st during qualification matches and only lost one match during these matches. In elimination rounds we were the 1st alliance, creating a rumble of excitement amongst the team. 

Once arriving at our hotel, we had a run-in with another team who was having trouble with their programming. Aiding teams within Duluth was an exhilarating experience, especially with the honor of attending two regionals this season. 

We had prepared for the Chariman's award at Lake Superior, leading to many strange looks to the Chairman's members' outfits and gear. The interview was very enjoyable for the Chairman's team, especially the before-the-night jitters of practicing and joking around. Chairman's was not won, but entirely relished, through and through. Yet--there were some surprises to come for what the team had also earned!

In our final match, a wire was pulled, causing a loss. From this, we gained finalist medals and a trophy. Even after that, we had the honor of earning the Excellence in Engineering--and even the Be FIRST award. Be FIRST was given by allying team 2052, KnightKrawler. Now, in the next season of attending the Lake Superior Regional we will present this award to another team, and so forth with the tradition. 

Minnesota 10000 Lakes Regional

In the midst of recovering from the past regional, the team ventured back to the 10K Lakes Regional since last year. The vans make their way down to the cities, and the team members create their usual silly jokes and sang along to constantly-being-tuned radio stations. Thus, arriving at the arena began a truly rewarding adventure. 

Within the pits, our programming team went wild with aiding other teams. Our head programmer--who has even uploaded Java tutorials specifically for robotics--had a sticker that specified to speak to him about the robot language. 

During the matches, conversing with others teams was truly a learning experience. Our scouters went over and beyond with connecting with the other strategists of other teams. Yet, all that the scouters could do did not stop the onslaught troubles. Within a couple of matches, the grippers flew off twice! Even in the semi-finals, the gear box decided to glitch, causing some trouble on the field. Murphy's Law then comes to haunt us all again--reference to our 2010 robot--by having the gear box completely malfunction within the FINAL finals! 

Everyone was gripping onto one another, knowing how far we have gotten and how even farther we can go. Team members were sharing their fears and hopes--to only become elated as ever when the final buzzer goes off. Our alliance won with no fouls or penalties; a clean winning. 

The awards ceremony was just as crazed, perhaps even more for we knew St. Louis now has an opening for us. The rhyme for Chairman's rang through the stadium, and at once our team knew. The Chairman's members and mentors began to cry--no, really. We were weeping so much we could host the new season's water games. It is a true honor, and there is no getting around it that winning both this regional and Chairman's provided a dream come true for the senior members. 

Alas, World's Championship comes at lightning speed--who knows what comes afoot! Either way, it will be a swellest of times! 

See you at St. Louis!  

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