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Become a Sponsor

Team 3313 Mechatronics is funded entirely by private donations and public fundraisers and we would not be able to do the work we do without the generous support of these donations. The team represents our sponsors in a positive light during presentations to students, companies, clubs, and through our media.

The team uses the money we so generously receive in a variety of ways. Registering for competitions, transportation to events, new tools, and robot parts are our main team expenses. 

We reward these sponsors in a variety of ways including:

Copper: +$25 donated: Twitter shoutout.

Bronze: +$40 donated: Listed on team blog, Facebook and Twitter shoutout, and given a team t-shirt.

Silver: +$300.00 donated: Logo on Banner, listed on back of t-shirts, be given a nice photo, Twitter and Facebook shoutout, and given t-shirt.

Gold: +$1000.00 donated: Logo on robot, a very big thank you, logo on banner, listed on back of t-shirts, be given a nice photo, listed on team blog, Facebook and Twitter shoutout, and given a team t-shirt.

Platinum: +$2000.00: Plaque is specially made, given a surprise gift, logo on robot, l
ogo on robot, a very big thank you, logo on banner, listed on back of t-shirts, be given a nice photo, listed on team blog, Facebook and Twitter shoutout, and given a team t-shirt.

If you are interested in sponsoring our team, email 3313coach@gmail.com. We are more than happy to set up an official meeting time or a demonstration/presentation. 

For more information about our team, explore this blog or visit our YouTube or Twitter.

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