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Monday, October 3, 2016

Team 3313's Club Fair Extravaganza!

Hey from Team 3313 Mechatronics!,

Hope all of the teams have had a fun off season. The game reveal is a couple of months away, but I'm sure that everyone is getting pumped for what the season's game is going to be. Who know's maybe the game will be that water game that we have been wanting for years!

On Thursday, September 29th 2016, the Alexandria Area High School held their annual club fair. At this club fair we were able to show off what FIRST really means. During our 3 lunches, Highschoolers were able to see some footage from last year's game as well as see the kinds of awards you can earn on the team. From the information that they acquired, they decided to sign up to be on the team. We are excited to welcome the new recruits in our journey to building an epic bot for what I hope will be an epic game.

Speaking of new recruits on our team, we are excited to be going to the Minne Mini-Regional hosted by 2169 King TeC. This event allows our new recruits to get hands on experience with what we do on the robotics team.

We can't wait to see all of the teams at this event! Keep Calm and Build a Robot! :)

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