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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chairman's Party!

Kacy, Jade, and Bydlon (the main Chairman's team throughout the year) traveled down to Eagan High School for a Chairman's Party. The Chairman's Award is the most prestigious award in FIRST. It is given to the team that most embodies the ideals of FIRST (making science cool and accessible). Our team is submitting for the first time every this year. It has been an arduous process (way more work than we anticipated) but well worth it. It has focused our team and given us more direction. 

We met up with Team 2470 from Bloomington, Team 3841 from Burnsville, and Team 2220 from Eagan. It was so much fun! We love meeting and hanging out with other teams. The main purpose of the day however was to practice our presentation in front of Renee Becker and her friend Katie. Both have a lot of Chairman's experience and were incredibly helpful. The main aspect our team needs to work on is the question portion of the interview (5 min speech and 5 min questions). But we're doing a good job so far! 

We stopped off at the Mall of America on the way home to eat dinner and hang out. Jade had never been there before so we were not going to miss an opportunity to make that happen. It was so much fun!

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