Wednesday did not go as planned. We lost communications with the robot countless times. Data was not being transferred to the motors. We tried EVERYTHING. We reformatted the cRio; we uninstalled and reinstalled LabView on the laptop; we re-wired almost everything. The morale of the team was extremely low. We knew the Student Showcase was a big deal and were extremely disappointed that we might not have anything to show.
Rachel continued her work on the flag which looks awesome! It will be fantastic to see that wave around before each one of our matches. Jenna and Bydlon worked on a presentation for a company in the Cities. Friday, a few of the team members got together and cleaned the robot room. It was really necessary after working so hard all last week.
Reminder: We are competing at the U of M - Williams Arena on March 29-31. The competition is free to all public and we would love to see fans there supporting us!
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