Match #9 - Yet again, we did a good job of lining up the robot and we ended up making 1 of our 2 autonomous shots! Bryce did a great job driving around and picking up more basketballs. He got one stuck in the shooter but had the INGENIOUS idea of picking up another and shot putting it into the bottom basket. Our teammate also balanced on our bridge. We won again!!!
After our matches were done, the team was feeling really good! We were ranked 45 out of 61 which wasn't very good but we were still hopeful after our great performance in the morning. Everyone on the team was extremely nervous before Alliance selection. Basically, the top 8 teams pick their alliance partners and we were hoping to be picked. To relieve the stress, Bydlon and Bryce went down on the field and did the macarena. Let's just say no other mentor danced in front of everyone. Unfortunately, we were not picked during the selection. This was a major blow to the team's ego but, after all the work we did this year and all the things we accomplished, the team was not too disappointed.
Many of the team members went out to lunch together. Everyone came back to together after that and took some team pictures. There were pictures of the whole team nicely, doing the "Bydlon", specific sub teams, grade levels, etc. The team quickly packed up the robot and all of the pit materials while the quarterfinals matches were going on. Kevin (THANK YOU KEVIN) brought the trailer around and took everything home. The team stayed and watched the semifinals and finals. There were some very exciting matches going on. We also watched the final awards as well. We ate at Chipotle on the way home and then unpacked.
We had a bunch of visitors on Saturday and throughout the weekend. Allen's family visited, Bydlon's friends from college and high school visited, Bydlon's dad and sister stopped by, Jenna's family watched, Tyler's family was around all weekend, and I'm sure there are others I am forgetting. THANK YOU SO MUCH to all our visitors and supporters at the competition and throughout the season. It means a lot to the team.
As usual, things did not go the way that the team wanted during the 10,000 Lakes Regional. However, the team persevered and had a great time, as usual. Team 3313 Mechatronics accomplished so many things during this season and still has much more to do. We will continue to improve and spread the message of FIRST and STEM education. ROLL OUT!
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