Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
- Henry Ford
New YouTube video is up!
Prototype Robot - Autonomous
We set up our half field to practice on today. It was fun to see the full pyramid and goals out. We simply cannot wait to begin competition. So exciting.
The big robot progress was with autonomous. Our programmers were itching to get their hands on our prototype robot. It's incredible seeing our game strategy come to life with our prototype robot. Our whole strategy is based off scoring well in autonomous and hanging for 10 points. That's a guaranteed 28 points each match. Obviously, we will optimize our shooting during teleop to score as well. But autonomous and 10 pt hang will be our bread and butter.
For the first time, we have a robot to practice autonomous on before the last day of build season! Haha. It seriously is great to be able to optimize and tweak the autonomous to make it the best it can. Worth the tedious work to see it shoot 3-3 on 3 point autonomous shots.
The other small project was fixing the robot cart. We switched around all the wheel wells so they will fit our wide, smaller robot this year.
Goals for Saturday:
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