-Robert Louis Stevenson
New YouTube video!
Midwinter Invite
The big excitement today was that one of our team members, Jade, was asked to the next school dance using our prototype robot. It was super cute and we got it on video. Check it out above.
After staying pretty late for what seems like the hundredth time, Alicia, Brandon, Bryce, and Bydlon got the electrical system done for the most part. It's awesome how all of the experience we have built up from last year and this offseason has come together during this build season. We know exactly what we need to put together and where. It's still pretty tedious work (need to be careful and deliberate with our placements). But we made a huge amount of progress today and will continue it tomorrow. We've got a nice big AndyMark delivery tomorrow. Yay!
The parts for our robot that are being made at Alex Tech are almost done. We can't wait to see them!
Up in the computer lab, Kacy and Jade got the timeline all set up for our Chairman's Executive Summary. This will make writing the answers to the questions much easier.
There are lots more projects we are working on as well! Will update as they become more solidified.
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