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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Progressing Forward

The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Two new YouTube videos:
Prototype Robot - Responding to Comments
Prototype Robot - Full Demo


The team was on Cloud Nine from the beginning of the meeting today. Our Purchase Orders were approved in the morning. That means our AndyMark parts are on their way to our shop (EEEEE!!!) and that we could finally go to Menard's and buy many of our new tools and competition robot material. THIS IS EXCITING!

As far as robot progress goes, we got a lot done today. Mitch and Brandon went over to Alex Tech to get our frame pieces cut up. Unfortunately, they turned our a little long (our fault for not measuring right) so we need to cut them down a little bit. But! We still put the frame together anyway (Alex, Matt, Mitch, Bryce, and Brandon). We also got the new drive wheels all set up. We're just waiting for the new gearboxes to keep moving the process along.

Molly went over to Alex Tech and got 2 new solenoids from Todd (Thanks Todd!). This means we were FINALLY able to fire our main piston as well as our frisbee loader without switching tubing. We got help from our college mentor, Tyler. So we did a full robot demo video above. We also were able to practice a lot of the driving, shooting, and hanging in a row. The practice that the drive team is getting is invaluable for the future.

Brandon took measurements for our final shooter. We will be able to make those pieces tomorrow and start the careful assembly.

Alicia kept up her awesome work of organizing the robot room. The electrical drawer looks great! Now for the fasteners drawer (yikes...).

Allen worked on getting the camera to connect to the laptop but is having very little luck. This will be solved very soon.

Tyler and David measured out all of the Battery Cart plywood pieces. Tyler and his dad, Dan, will cut those pieces tonight and assemble them tomorrow. Yay!

Jesse made progress on Chairman's video by organizing what we have now in the 5 main categories. Jade and Kacy kept up the work on the Business Plan. They surveyed the guidelines which helps a lot in framing how the paper is written.

Molly signed the team up for the Polar Bear Plunge (more to come later). Carson designed a hanky for the team to sell at events. Heidi took a bunch of pictures.

To end the night, Bryce, Alicia, and Bydlon went to Menard's and purchased a new drill, a portable band saw, some more electrical components and the competition robot materials. SO EXCITED!!

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